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5àsec has developed Maxima, an exclusive treatment combining softness and efficiency to restore brightness and freshness to your exceptional wardrobe pieces.
5àsec offers a cleaning service specifically developed for your upholstery, in dire need of a regular cleaning.
Dale una nueva vida a tus deportivas con este nuevo servicio que te ofrece 5àsec
5àsec experts provide you with the best suited carpet cleaning solution to remove stains effectively. Removing stains on your carpet yourself is a risky business. Seek professional help from 5àsec!
5àsec dry cleaning shops provide you with all necessary services to take care of your leather: leather dye, leather cleaning….
Servicio de aparcamiento para facilitar tu acceso a nuestra tienda.
Protect, soften and perfume your garments with the bacteriological action of this service.
Service available soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
5àsec goes that much further in the care of your clothes and completes its offer by an alteration-tailoring service, to modify, repair or adapt your articles to your measurements.
¡Descubre la nueva app 5àsec!
AV. de Navarra 180
Phone : 976532329
Ctra. Nacional. II Km. 315,5
Phone : 976 34 60 14
Paseo Teruel, 12
Phone : 976 22 05 31
Calle San Vicente Martir, 11
Phone : 976 23 40 65
C/Pablo Gargallo Nº 98- Almozara
Phone : 976 434 190
Plaza de Utrillas nº 6
Phone : 976056256
C/ Poetisa Maria Zambrano nº 35- loc0004
Phone : 976041488
Find 7 5àsec in Zaragoza and discover our textile care services: ironing, dry cleaning, stain removal…